
Academia, long-distance running, and other daily haikus.

Month: June, 2012

On Balaton

by Emily H.

– 1 big, blue, luke lake
– 1 room in a historic manse,
with A/C… priceless.

Posting this from the courtyard of the Gombas Mension at dusk.

Haiku to Bridges

by Emily H.

Not a metaphor.
Really — there are lots; they seem
More uphill than down.

Chain Bridge, Budapest

On the banks of the mighty mighty Duna

by Emily H.

Day four, Komárom,
After rutted roads, tired legs
Love a thermal bath.

Mmmm…smells like sulfur.


by Emily H.

“Köszönöm” is all
I know to say: for good paths
My bum says “Thanks guys.”

We didn’t take pictures of the dirt roads…


How we ended up in Pressburg

by Emily H.

We need an update.
First we got married — in Boston,
Then Home (Big Apple), briefly,

Dann mit’m Flug nach Wien,
Mélange, Wienerschnitzel (doch),
Könnten nicht wach bleiben…

[Then plane to Vienna,
Melange, Wienerschnitzel (yes),
We couldn’t stay awake…]

Now Bratislava,
Long word, small medieval city,
By way of fields, bike.



Hainburg, Austrian bordertown.

The Wedding!

by samanthalenore

Dress, check. Speech, check. Chairs,
covered. I’m shipping up to
Boston, whoa-oh-oh!

How do you like them apples?